Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley
Glory is an integral part of the life of any superhero. Judge for yourself, there are a lot of benefits from it: the Uberzlodes shudder from your name, the girls dream of meeting your heroic person Teta-a-tete-fairy tale! And no matter how high ideals the defender of the disadvantaged and oppressed, during his adventures, he does not least think about how to increase his own fame. A terrible sleep of any superhero can be considered complete and final oblivion.
It was this problem that the main characters faced Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley. Suddenly they realized that those around him and more than once saved people with difficulty recognize them, do not respect them at all and generally treat them without due trepidation and veneration. Meaning to regain the status of universal favorites, the couple puts on a crusade against all conceivable villains at once.
I work alone!
The main character is a two-meter athlete in a tight blue suit, with two pood pistols and a hyperemotion-sulfur head-Captain Smiley (“Captain Smileik”, if you like). Moderately stupid, naive, with each of its movements and replica earnestly tries to squeeze out as much pathos as possible (it turns out with varying success). Fierce in battle, and ruthless to enemies.
Now get distracted from the yellow face of the captain and look a little lower – at his muscular chest. There is just a second character, a huge gold emblem-star named Star (Star). The character is bad, cynical-skeptical, addiction to alcohol, nicotine and mmorpg-in general, is a rare personality. He can not stand his smiling prostgeus, which is why he constantly releases sharp comments and searse at him.
The fact is that the star always wanted to be an emblem on the chest of another character, Brad! He, unlike the emoticon, is really cool-for nothing that a villain. In public, he appears exclusively in the company of charming groups, flies on Brandol, and as soon as he appears in the frame, the song about him, Brads immediately begins to sound back to the background. His chest, to an indescribable disorder of the star, is already busy – not to the best of pumped muscles. Brad is very scrupulous in appearance, visits the gym and is unlikely to spoil such a beauty with a star-spaced star.
As you can see, the situation is not simple – there is only fierce hatred between the captain and the star, but with all the desire they have nowhere to go from each other. In addition, Smileik is clearly jealous of his partner to arrogant Brad.
Comic zone
The idea to stylize the game under the comic adventure is not new. We bring to your attention three more projects, where “clouds” with replicas stretch from the lips of the characters, history is presented through magazine turning, and the shot is accompanied by the mandatory “Bang !»On the shelter.
Comix Zone
Released on Mega Drive back in 1995, this game bought not only high -quality action, but also a completely incomparable appearance. The protagonist, young artist sketch, accidentally got into his own comic book. Here he had to fight with him invented villains and save the created universe to him. The protagonist was able to tear off pieces of paper and airplanes to let them into enemies, as well as a powerful hook on the right to send the adversaries to fly through the entire page.
Bloody and cruel shooter based on the comic book of the same name. In order to reduce the number of heart attacks from an overwhelming level of violence on the screen, the picture was subjected to CEL-SHADING-processing, so the game repeated the visual style of the original. Here, especially spectacular murders were shown with all the details in the comic charting.
Max Payne
In addition to prolonged flights in Slo-Mo, bubbles with painkillers and an angry winter drama, this game was remembered by a branded, again comic manner of presenting the plot. Trying to follow the aesthetics of Frank Miller, Remedy unexpectedly created a unique story style when the hero himself artistically reads his own monologues, letting the player understand how to say what is written on the screen.
Captain "Smile"
In the pursuit of folk confession, the woe-Duet will pass a truly grandiose path of several hundred … Up. You see, all the adventures of the couple occur on the pages of comics. Each volume is specially stylized for any popular and really existing series. True, the only comic book stated today is the title Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley, that is, the native world of the captain. Realizing that it is impossible to achieve special popularity there, Smileik decides to attack other people's universes (their developers are kept secret, but we definitely have the right to count on the work of Frank Miller).
Regarding the entertainment program Twisted Pixel Games Talking with obvious reluctance-how do you need to work on the game for a long time. It is still known for sure that the peppy Beat’em Up awaits us. Nominally the game is two -dimensional, but the third dimension will now and then make itself felt. Our brave captain prefers to beat enemies “from the turntable”: depending on what foot in each case the hero will decide to charge the enemy, the enemy will fly either right into the player or deep into the decoration of the level. The scenery readily react to the bandits flying in them: the windows break, the paintings fall from the walls, the doors are split. A special chic is to push the robber into a huge safe, so that the heavy door door of the storage also slammed behind him.
The second version of the passage is best painted by the English expression "Run & Gun ". With two pistols at the ready, the captain bursts from left to right, not stopping fire for a second and without even changing the clip. Enemies at this moment a rod from all sides, immediately get a bullet and immediately die with a heart -rending Arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!»In the bubble above the head. In addition, the developers prepared the Quick-Time Events series, during which the camera will show the hero from the back, at the moment when he rushes in level, with his head, knocking out the door with his head.
I would especially like to note the love and care with which Twisted Pixel approaches the transfer of a fragile concept of a comic adventure to our screens. Of course, all the remarks of the heroes fit into special “clouds”, and the tutorial is beaten in the form of inserts of the narrator in the corner of the frame: “And now our brave captain sent the steak of the gamepad to the right in order to move towards his enemies …”
Each loud sound here is invariably accompanied by flashes “Bang!"And" Ba-dooom!". Heroes do not just move between locations – they move from one panel to another or turn over pages. As a result, already now, at an early stage of development, Comic Jumper clearly feels the inimitable style of a real comic book. And this is worth a lot.
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According to Joshua Bir, the co -founder of Twisted Pixel Games and “Dads” Captain Smiley, he dreamed of creating a game with the captain in the main role from the seventh grade! Having come up with this character in some boring lesson, he has been hatched for 18 years until she finally took shape in Comic Jumper. That is why CJ is of great and very personal importance for the entire studio. TP is known for its speeds of production of good games (see. The Maw And ‘Splosion Man ), but they do not plan to drive the smiley and the star to the release. It is probably for a long time to wait for a long time – we advise you not to waste time for nothing and read as many comics as possible. Who knows where the captain will bring the pursuit of fame!
We will wait? Excursion on the most famous comics with the participation of a man in a little with an emoticon instead of the head and his evil assistant star.
Percentage of readiness: 60%